There are a number of ways that technology helps you communicate – whether over the phone, via email or social media, or otherwise, these are all key aspects of your work life.
However, given how much business data is transferred over your email and in other digital communications every day, have you ever considered whether it’s secure?
Email is perhaps the most ubiquitous technology used in the business world today – possibly even more so than the phone. It’s instantaneous, can deliver important files, and doesn’t require the immediate attention that a phone call does.
However, just as it’s popular with consumers around the world, it is just as popular a method for hackers trying to do damage to unsuspecting businesses.
Check out this video to learn why:
What Do You Need To Do To Protect Your Communications?
A common method used for securing communication is encryption. Encryption encodes information, making it unreadable to anyone but those who have a key to decode the encrypted data.
Your company’s data is extremely valuable. Whether it’s financial information from your customers or the health records of your employees, hackers tend to target small companies based on the common assumption that smaller operations will be more vulnerable.
Email encryption measures are easy to use and ensure that the user’s communication is secured against unwelcome readers while in transit. Furthermore, mobile device capability will allow users to read and send encrypted messages from the mobile platform without having to store the message locally, or any unnecessary battery or bandwidth usage.
Furthermore, ensuring only devices with a need to connect are granted connectivity to your systems will reduce the resources needed to monitor and defend networks. One way of doing this is to create access control lists.
Access control lists typically consist of ‘white lists’ or ‘black lists.’ Whitelisting is a method of restricting access to only pre-approved devices or connections. Blacklisting involves denying access to devices which are presumed or known to be not trustworthy.
Blacklisting and whitelisting are often based on device characteristics, such as a unique identifier, or the ways in which devices are trying to connect, such as a source IP address.
Whitelisting, while more restrictive and secure, is often not practical for networks that need to respond to unknown users.
The bottom line is that you need to be able to communicate, and so, you need to make sure your communications are secure. If you’re unclear about how to implement encryption measures, access controls and more, then get expert assistance from a partner who does.
If you’re still unsure about how to best secure your communications, then get in touch with Kraft Technology Group at (615) 600-4411 or