Get Expert Private Cloud Solutions for Nashville CPA Firms at Kraft Technology Group

Most Nashville CPA firms struggle with vast quantities of data transferring to the accounting business daily. These include data and business communication that they need to manage. Such firms require fast and reliable networking and data storage to strengthen their efficiency while having robust internal communications or clients.

Private cloud solutions for CPA firms are an effective way to help them stay on track. According to a report, about 67 percent of accounting professionals trust and rely on cloud accounting over the traditional locally installed software options.

Cloud computing helps to transform the activities of the accounting process. It eliminates the need for in-house infrastructures and software installation on every company device for access.

Kraft Technology Group helps upgrade your accounting firms so that you achieve greater productivity by accessing your data anywhere. We offer our clients reliable and fast cloud solutions while focusing on the benefits of implementing them. Here are the benefit highlights for private cloud for CPA firms.

Benefits of Private Cloud for CPA Firms

Adopting cloud accounting solutions will help you achieve higher productivity through the following benefits:

Increased Accessibility

The accessibility is arguably the best cloud computing feature that you will enjoy with these solutions. You can use business data and applications from anywhere on the globe. With easy access to data from any location, your teams can handle urgent tasks when traveling, during holidays, or when they visit your clients in their offices.

You can also decide to hire people from anywhere globally and have them work from different locations. It creates a diverse workplace environment and boosts your productivity.

Improved Data Security

The increase in data breaches and data loss worldwide is a cause for concern for businesses of all sizes. Therefore, it’s a good idea to keep your customers’ sensitive data confidential and secure from intruders. Cloud security gives you robust physical security, login management systems, disaster recovery processes, encryption, and 24/7 monitoring for all threats. The business can also identify threats promptly to ensure they don’t end up losing data.

Automatic Data Backups

The impact of data breaches on any business can be far-reaching. When you lose data, you have to spend a lot of time and resources to get back to your feet. Also, compliance issues may arise, and you will likely face lawsuits from customers who have their data in your systems.

With cloud computing, all your valuable data is secure and has backups from servers spread worldwide. It helps for business continuity since you will have everything you need to continue serving your clients. Data backup is also automatic to keep you focused and energized for other essential tasks.

Find All Your Data in Real-Time

Cloud computing gives your staff access to any data they want in real-time, unlike traditional on-premise systems. Several accountants can access the same data from different locations and work on the same sheet simultaneously.

The high accessibility helps to eliminate the traditional back and forth communication when there’s a need to rectify errors. You can analyze data and run reports seamlessly, allowing you to make critical business decisions effectively.

High Resilience and Scalability

The fast-paced technological world keeps changing every sector of business. Therefore, the demands of your clients in your accounting firm will keep changing as your business grows.

Cloud computing is highly scalable to grow your business. With technology, it’s easy to add more users, applications, and storage or cut them back when your business is slow. You also pay only for what you use, which helps you save money.

Saves You Time and Money

Having cloud solutions for your accounting firm reduces the time needed to engage in monotonous work that often results in errors. Cloud solutions decrease manual work and provide automated software that increases productivity.

They’ll also help you avoid paper to save you money, reducing your operating costs. The service provider you choose will take responsibility for maintenance, server issues, and any associated costs.

Transform Your CPA Firm Today

At Kraft Technology Group, we understand the pain points of your accounting firm. The demand is high, and your staff has to juggle multiple applications with various systems. It is challenging when you have a vast client base.

We will help you build an effective private cloud environment to maximize productivity and offer your staff more flexibility. With our services, we simplify your processes by providing all your applications at a glance with a straightforward custom-made dashboard.

We offer an array of services to ensure our solutions are reliable to your firms. Some of the top services you will get include:

  • Cloud infrastructure: We will keep your accounting software up to date by offering automatic patch installs to avoid having to worry about the software stack.
  • Software hosting: We host all your software in one place, and you get an easy-to-use dashboard where you can streamline all your workplaces to boost your productivity.
  • All devices, any time: Regardless of where you are or what device you are using, you will access your accounting firm’s data with a customized virtual desktop.
  • Scalability: You can upgrade or downgrade the solutions with a click of a button to match the needs of your firm.

Find more managed IT services for all CPA firms located in the greater Nashville region and beyond.


1. Can I host CPA-compatible apps in the cloud?

Yes, you can host accounting apps in the cloud when using professionally managed cloud servers. It helps to minimize costs and requirements.

2. What is the cost comparison between cloud servers and in-house resources?

Over the years, many accounting firms that migrate to the cloud have realized many benefits, including reducing costs. Cloud costs are generally lower than in-house resources because there is no need to invest in technological infrastructure or extra budget for maintaining physical servers.

3. Are cloud solutions safe for my CPA firms’ data?

Yes. Accounting firms are the most active users of cloud computing due to their effective data security. There is less risk of theft or disruption from disgruntled employees.