Is Your Business Lacking the Productivity You Want? If so, Look to Office 365.
I’ve said it before, and will again (because you’ll thank me once I’ve convinced you)—Microsoft Office 365 increases productivity. With cloud-based collaboration, your employees can use work efficiently as a team wherever they are.
Your success is directly related to its productivity, especially in today’s fast-paced world. If your employees don’t work productively as they should, your competitors will outpace you—Microsoft Office 365 has become the norm for small businesses today, including your competitors.
Office 365 Makes Collaborating Easy.
Working with Office 365 improves the how your teams collaborate. (We use it for our business, and what a difference it’s made.) Multiple employees can collaborate in real time. They can use Yammer on their computers or any other device to keep up to date on the company’s latest news and current activities.
Try One Drive for Business or SharePoint, and let your employees easily share documents with each other while still preventing unauthorized access or changes. OneNote makes it convenient for staff members to leave notes and feedback for group projects, and Skype for Business makes one-to-one video chats, and even large meetings possible at the click of a button.
Microsoft Office 365 helps your employees work together on projects in real time, exchange files and documents, and to do so securely and easily no matter where they are.
Painlessly Manage Upgrade Costs.
Technology is changing at a rapid pace, and keeping your business up-to-date with the latest systems can feel like a never-ending uphill climb. However, Microsoft’s flexible and scalable subscription model allows you to deploy only the licenses you need.
Previous models required the purchase of new licenses, ongoing installation, and upgrades that couldn’t be managed remotely. This resulted in a confusing mishmash of different releases within various business departments.
Plus, software upgrades in past iterations of productivity software required significant upfront investments. Not so with Office 365—You can spread the costs over a longer period of time, making the overall upgrade more affordable for businesses of all sizes.
With Office 365, your employees automatically receive upgrades along with new functionality that helps them work more efficiently.
Your Employees Will Benefit from Multi-Device Compatibility.
Small businesses are notorious for using a variety of platforms based on employee requests and requirements—This makes it challenging to successfully deploy traditional software models.
With the flexible deployment model of Office 365, a single license covers up to five devices at one time, with the ability to switch a license quickly as needed.
Even better, the type of device used no longer matters—The same license you use for a Mac can also be used for a Microsoft Surface, iPhone or iPad. When employees are firm believers in BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), and can work with their chosen devices, productivity skyrockets.
Enhance Your Customers’ Experience with Office 365.
Understanding the needs of your customers is a primary driver in today’s hyper-connected world. When your service reps can interact with prospects at the time, and in the fashion they want, they’re much more likely to connect with them.
Collaboration tools like Skype and Yammer allow you to message your customers in real time. Quickly spin up a video meeting or a chat to resolve their problems or concerns.
Plus, your teams will be more productive with tools like Exchange and SharePoint to manage, store, organize and search for documents their customers need.
Office 365 Provides Flexible Plans to Meet Your Needs.
Microsoft Office 365 pricing starts at an incredibly low entry point per employee, and can be scaled up to allow for even the largest enterprise deployment. There are seven versions of Office 365 to choose from, while keeping operating costs under control.
What’s even better is that there’s no need to use business apps if your team already has a solution in place. This low entry point allows you to selectively implement exactly the right solutions to meet your requirements.
For example, if you want to move to a Microsoft-centric webinar platform, but still have several months left on a prior contract, you won’t be forced to buy your way out of your previous contract. Instead, you can treat the platform as a scaled rollout and implement additional functionality as needed.
Take Advantage of Real-Time Analytics with Office 365.
Microsoft’s Power BI is one of the most comprehensive suites of analytics visualizations on the market today. And, the self-service business intelligence functionality allows your employees to weave together disparate data sources to create a compelling story about the work they’ve completed.
Perhaps one of the least-understood platforms available to smaller businesses, Power BI provides a means for effective decision making without the effort required to implement traditional sales cubes or Big-Data platforms.
A key reason for implementing Microsoft Office 365 solutions is to remove the barriers between your employees and the technology they need to do great work at any time. Having a subscription-based productivity suite provides you with the latest collaboration tools to drive business advances while keeping costs at a minimum.
We benefit from Microsoft Office 365, and so will you. Feel free to contact us with any questions you have.
Kraft Technology Group
(615) 600-4411
Work with the professionals at Kraft Technology Group to leverage the power of Microsoft Office 365. We’ll ensure it improves your productivity and efficiency.