…and Not Everyone Can Do What WE Do.
Ambulatory Surgery Centers Depend on Kraft Technology Group for
their Healthcare Compliant Managed IT and Security.
- Compliant Managed IT “Managed” means your IT is handled for you – simple as that. Our team manages your IT from end to end to make sure it’s optimized and compliant.
- Ransomware Protection Keeping you protected from today’s most prevalent cybercrime threats requires a multi-layered approach. We’ll deploy data backup, business-class endpoint protection, employee training, and firewall management best practices to keep you safe from ransomware.
- HIPAA Security Program In order to stay HIPAA compliant, you need to keep your patients’ data secure. Our team has the experience and skill set needed to keep you compliant and protected.
- Disaster Recovery Solutions We deliver a holistic approach to disaster recovery, employing data backup and systems virtualization to make sure that your data and applications are available when you need them, no matter what happens.

Questions? Call us at (615) 600-4411 or visit www.kraftgrp.com.