Earlier this year, Intel introduced their new 8th Gen Intel Core vPro processors. Marketed as the way to help businesses of all shapes and sizes make the digital transformation, Intel compels customers […]
Earlier this year, Intel introduced their new 8th Gen Intel Core vPro processors. Marketed as the way to help businesses of all shapes and sizes make the digital transformation, Intel compels customers […]
What is Hashcat? Hashcat is a type of hacking tool, and a password cracker specifically. It was created to be able to hack the most complex of passwords, targeting multiple aspects of […]
With the 2018 midterm elections on the horizon, there are increasing concerns regarding cybersecurity and the voting systems in each state. These security concerns have to extend far beyond our voting systems […]
What is ‘ZeroFont’ Phishing? ‘Phishing’ is where hackers attempt to get a user to willingly provide personal information, generally through posing to be someone else. It is one of the more threatening […]
What is Fluxion? Fluxion is a new program that combines social engineering and technology to trick users into giving up their log-in and password information. This program is a step above Wifiphisher, […]
Improvements in technology have led to increased connectivity with improvements in security, but have also involved unique vulnerabilities and potential for hackers to access a wide range of information. Particularly problematic to […]
As convenient as our interconnected world has become, it has also made us vulnerable to an attack from hackers wanting to make a quick buck. Internet pirates are targeting defenseless networks with […]
This month’s training on demand focuses on helping you find the most accurate information you need on Google. We’ll leave no stone unturned in this 28-minute online training session. Learn how to […]
What’s WPA3? WPA3 is an improvement to WPA2 security, which is still commonly used after having made substantial improvements over WPA. It is expected to better protect users from software hacking. In […]
The debate about whether or not tech should be in schools has largely been put aside, technophobes and Waldorf School Curricula notwithstanding. In its place, education stakeholders must sort out the edtech […]
New Study Shows That the Global Cost of a Data Breach Is Up in 2018 The Ponemon Institute recently released its annual Cost of Data Breach Independent Study that was sponsored by […]
Girl Scouts of the USA recently announced the addition of 30 new badges now available for Girl Scouts aged 5-18. The new badges were created to address a number of today’s most […]