Is your medical or oral healthcare business struggling with technology solutions?

Are you looking for an I.T. partner that can fix current I.T. issues and keep things running efficiently?
Then you’ve come to the right place.

The KTG team has a deep background in dealing with the I.T. compliance requirements of the healthcare industry.

We understand how difficult it can be to care for your patients and deal with technology implementation, maintenance, and daily management tasks even if your practice has in-house I.T. staff.

That’s why we’ve invested serious money and effort over the years in understanding the issues faced by healthcare facilities like yours and have developed solution set to help you deal with them.

What we hear most often from healthcare professionals is that they want to…

Spend more time caring for people and less time typing.

That’s where the Kraft Technology Group can prove to be invaluable to your medical or dental office.

The unfortunate truth is, too many medical facility staff are working harder than they should have to work.


Because recent advancements in technology allow for streamlining while efficiently securing of EPHI.

Technology solutions that enable a paperless office, platform to platform EPHI record transfers, and secure mobile functionality make your job easier and free up your time.

We offer solutions that enable your healthcare office to strictly adhere to HIPAA controls.

We know that HIPAA compliance is a challenge and a very real concern for practices of all sizes.

We want to help you help people!

We decrease the burden, and worries of healthcare I.T. to free you and your staff to do what you do best.

Let’s give your Nashville healthcare business the support it needs to be even more productive. Click here to learn more about our All-in-One HIPAA Security Service

Get in touch now at (615) 600-4411 or